Upgrade your artwork with a paperback wrap, giving your readers even more ways to connect with your book. For a limited time, eBook title design is included with the print setup!
This paperback addon provides:
Need just an eBook cover? Get it here.
Please note:
Your print cover will resemble the examples provided. If your art isn’t wide enough for a wraparound image, we’ll create a matching painted background. If you require additional artwork, please inform us.
After purchase, you’ll get a download with instructions for requesting your cover design, fitting your schedule.
*For publishers other than Amazon, you will need to provide the template.
For a short time, I’m offering the option to name your price. This lets you pick a price that fits your budget. If you can, considering the quality and value of the cover in your offer helps support my work. It’s all about finding a price that feels right for both of us.
Every design produced by The Swoonies falls under the terms of The Swoonies License Agreement.